Film story: A man named Noonoo finds himself in strange deserted place on the seashore – a place where fishermen dwell. Away from civilisation, nationalities and endless race for survival. Noonoo gets a job in a local tavern “The Valley of Roses”, run by Stepanych – an old fishermen. Sharing joys and pains with him, cooking delicious food, Nonoo gets a taste of life again.
This carefree life ends with the arrival of a girl named Maya. Something Noonoo has escaped from previous life caught up with him again….
Director: Dmitry Cherkasov
Leading Actors: Anattoly Beliy, Julija Snigirj, Vitaly Haev, Oksana Fandera
Screenplay by: Oleg Antonov, Dmitry Cherkasov
Photography director: Andrey Kotorzhenko
Composer: A.Feofanov